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On May 27, Red Hat will sponsor “Open Your World,” a day-long virtual forum presented by and hosted by Red Hat’s Michael Tiemann, Vice President, Open Source Affairs. The virtual event will feature ten presentations exploring how the open source ideals of participation and collaboration are impacting business, education, government, law and life.

The presentations will provide attendees with a view of how open source principles play a larger role beyond technology to innovate and solve problems. We hope that the forum will act as a catalyst for open source communities to grow and encourage the use of open source thinking across multiple areas of life.

The agenda for our May 27 forum is as follows:

Schedule (ET)
8:45 Introduction Michael Tiemann, Vice President, Open Source Affairs, Red Hat
9:00 Business Dr. David Upton, Chair of Operations Management, Oxford University
9:45 Government Karsten Gerloff, President, Free Software Foundation Europe;
Graham Taylor, Chief Executive, OpenForum Europe
10:30   15-MINUTE BREAK
10:45 Education Matt Jadud, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Allegheny College
11:30 Business Eugene Eric Kim, Cofounder and Principal, Blue Oxen Associates
12:15   15-MINUTE BREAK
12:30 Life Daniel James, Director, 64 Studio Ltd.
1:15 Life Dr. John Halamka, CIO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School; Chair of the US Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel
2:00   15-MINUTE BREAK
2:15 Business Michael Tiemann, Vice President, Open Source Affairs, Red Hat
3:00 Law Richard Fontana, Open Source Licensing and Patent Counsel, Red Hat
3:45   15-MINUTE BREAK
4:00 Government Open Source for America
Panel featuring Jeremy Allison, Linux Evangelist, Google
4:45 Life Karsten Wade, Senior Community Architect, Red Hat

To register for the forum, visit here.



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