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An article from the Red Hat Learning Subscription monthly newsletter. June 2016.

In the subscription catalog, there are a few classes offer that have different delivery formats available. We expect to increase the number of courses that have these different delivery options which is why we’ve added some functionality recently to make it easier to change the version of the course you’re using.

Currently, when you look at the subscription catalog, the version of the course is embedded within the course title. For example:

Course Track
RH403-6.1: Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration Platform
RH403-6: Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration Platform


For example the Satellite 6 course has one class based on the initial release of Red Hat Satellite 6, and an updated release based on Red Hat Satellite 6.1. As a best practice, we encourage our students to take the latest version of the course. The latest version of courses include any updates to the product and materials that are involved in release updates. We carry the older version of the course to allow students who may be in the middle of the class to continue it. In addition, the older version of courses are kept in the learning portal and remains available for customers that may be working off an older version of the product or the the systems which the product is based on.

As we start carrying more updated versions of classes in the catalog, we wanted to make it easier for students to not only find the updated versions, but in the case that they selected the wrong version out of the catalog view, switch to the preferred release easily. To help with this situation we recently added a Versions pull down to the Table of Contents page for any course that has more than one version in the course catalog. When the pull down is opened, it will display all versions of the course available, and if the student clicks on one of the versions, it will switch to that version of the course manual and lab environment that is selected.

As always, the Red Hat Training and Certification team looks forward to providing even more great content, features, and UI improvements. Please continue to give us feedback on your experience with your Red Hat Learning Subscription.

Scott McBrien
Technical program manager, Red Hat Learning Subscription
Red Hat, Inc.

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