Red Hat Training and Certification has expanded our DevOps curriculum to include a new introductory course on containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift.
Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift (DO180) is for developers, administrators, and architects alike. Whether you are new to container technology and orchestration, considering using container technologies in software architectures, or to containerizing software applications, this is where you want to start.
Get started building and managing Docker containers for deployment on a Kubernetes cluster and grow your core knowledge and skills in managing containers through hands-on experience with Docker, Kubernetes, and the Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform.
As a result of this training, you should be able to containerize simple software applications and services, deploy them with Docker, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift, test the containerized versions, and troubleshoot issues with deployment.
In short, you will learn:
- About container, Docker, and Red Hat OpenShift architecture
- To create containerized services
- To manage containers and container Images
- To create custom container images
- To deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift
- To deploy multi-container applications
We mentioned that this is the start. What’s next?
That all depends. Are you an system administrator? Are you a developer? Are you on the road to become a Red Hat Certified Architect? We have a path for each of you.
TRAIN TO BECOME AN ADMINISTRATORRed Hat OpenShift Administration I (DO280): As a system administrator, learn to install, configure, and manage instances of Red Hat OpenShift. |
VALIDATE YOUR ADMINISTRATOR SKILLSRed Hat Certificate of Expertise in Platform-as-a-Service exam (EX280): Validate your skills and knowledge to develop, host, and scale applications in a cloud environment using Red Hat OpenShift by taking our PaaS exam and earn the Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Platform-as-a-Service certification. |
TRAIN TO BECOME A DEVELOPEROpenShift Enterprise Development (DO290): As a developer, learn to create, update, and maintain applications using Red Hat OpenShift. |
VALIDATE YOUR DEVELOPER SKILLSRed Hat Certificate of Expertise in Containerizing Software Application Development exam (EX276): Validate your skills and knowledge to implement and run services as Docker containers, to create and update container images, and to run and link containers. |
NEED A CONSULTATION?Request a free discovery session: Red Hat Consulting helps customers successfully implement container platforms and establish the necessary process and strategy changes for an agile foundation for application development. |
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Pete Hnath, Senior Director of Curriculum Development, is responsible for customer training and digital delivery platforms across Red Hat’s entire product portfolio. Hnath led the launch of the Red Hat Hat Learning Subscription (RHLS) that includes courses, cloud based labs, video classroom and expert seminars.
He is passionate about applying DevOps and SRE concepts into the curriculum development processes, demonstrated by Early Access, a feature in RHLS in which the team publishes chapter-level minimum viable products at each sprint boundary using continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. Hnath’s team also follows a “single stream” development process leading to simultaneous publishing of classroom, virtual and self-paced courses.
Earlier in his Red Hat career, he co-founded Red Hat University and launched the Red Hat Sales College. Hnath holds a MBA from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and a BSBA from the University of Florida.
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