We are pleased to announce the beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, the latest version of our Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 platform. Nearly five years into its lifecycle, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 continues to provide a stable, proven, and predictable foundation for organizations seeking to build and deploy large, complex IT projects with confidence.
The beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 includes a number of new and updated features to help organizations preserve investments in existing infrastructure, bolster security, stability, and systems management/monitoring capabilities, and embrace the latest Linux innovations.
The enhanced functionality provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 beta enables organizations to tailor their infrastructure for the business needs of today while remaining flexible enough to prepare for the IT challenges of tomorrow, starting with helping enterprises to preserve investments in existing infrastructure. These include:
Increased interoperability with Active Directory and Identity Management servers through the addition of new capabilities to the Identity Management client code (SSSD).
Clufter, included as a Technology Preview, a tool/library for analyzing and transforming cluster configuration formats enables system administrators to update existing high-availability configurations to run on the latest high-availability tools from Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 beta also delivers a number of improvements that bolster security, stability, and systems management/monitoring capabilities, including:
The ability to specify allowed mount options in udev rules – a feature that can be used, for example, to restrict removable media to read-only mode, as a security measure to prevent data leakage.
The inclusion of Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Workbench – an easy-to-use tool that functions as an SCAP scanner and provides tailoring functionality for SCAP content through an intuitive graphical user interface.
An update of Performance Co-Pilot (PCP), delivering new and enhanced performance metric collectors and monitoring tools.
Additionally, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 beta continues to incorporate and adopt new technologies that enable enterprise organizations to embrace the latest Linux innovations across physical, virtual, and cloud deployment environments. Notable inclusions are:
LVM Cache moving from Technology Preview into a fully supported feature allows users to create logical volumes with a small fast storage device performing as a cache for a larger slower device. This essentially maximizes the benefits associated with using expensive (fast) storage while helping to limit costs.
The availability of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 base image which enables customers to migrate their traditional workloads into container-based applications – suitable for deployment on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host.
To review the full list of new features and capabilities within Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 beta, please visit https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 beta is now available on Red Hat Network to all customers with an active Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.
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