In part one of this series, we saw three approaches to fully automate the provisioning of certificates and create end-to-end encryption. Based on feedback from the community suggesting the post was a bit too theoretical and not immediately actionable, this article will illustrate a practical example. You can see a recording of the demo here.
The Scenario
To demonstrate this approach, we are going to use the Customer -> Preference -> Recommendation microservices application that is being used in the Red Hat Istio tutorial. Within the tutorial, encryption is handled by Istio. In our case, encryption will be configured and handled by the application pods.
We assume that in our environment implements two pieces of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI):
- External PKI
- Internal PKI
For external PKI, certificates must be created to facilitate trust from all browsers and operating system to the external facing services. Companies usually use Certificate Authorities (CA’s) such as Digicert, Verisign etc. for this type of certificates. These companies bill by the number of certificates requested, so we need to keep the external certificate number limited. In our example we are going to use Let’s Encrypt as the external PKI. Let’s Encrypt is a trusted CA maintained by a consortium of companies that provides certificates free of charge with the goal of creating a secure Internet; the catch is that the certificates provisioned via Let’s Encrypt are very short lived, so the only way to use this service effectively is if you automate your certificate provisioning process (this is not an issue as it is the primary goal of this scenario).
The internal PKI is used to establish a trust between internal services (services that do not need to be visible for external consumers and or systems). There are many products that can be installed on premise to act as CAs. One solution that we encounter frequently is Venafi. Red Hat also offers its own CAs product called FreeIPA. Unlike Let’s Encrypt, we can request as many certificates as we want to with this CA because the cost here is not tied to the number of certificate requests, so it is ideal for development and other fast-changing environments. In our solution, we are going to use a RootCA owned by our certificate operator for the internal PKI.
The target architecture is as follows:
The Customer service is exposed to the external clients and it calls the Preference service. The Preference service is also exposed outside of the cluster, but only to internal systems. It calls the Recommendation service. The recommendation service is an internal to the cluster service and not exposed externally.
For automating the certificate provisioning process, we are going to use three operators:
- Cert-manager: this operator is responsible for provisioning certificates. It interfaces with the various CAs and brokers certificate provisioning or renewal requests. Provisioned certificates are placed into Kubernetes secrets.
- Cert-util-operator: this operator provides utility functions around certificates. In particular, it will be used to inject certificates into OpenShift routes and turn PEM-formatted certificates into java-readable keystores.
- Reloader: this operator is used to trigger a deployment when a configmap or secret changes. We are going to use it to restart our applications when certificates get renewed.
Step by Step Instructions
The following describe the steps necessary for deploying the solution.. These steps align to the assets found within this repository.
These steps are presented in a sequential way to allow for better understanding of all the components needed for a successful implementation. In a real world scenario, a developer would configure their CI/CD pipeline to deploy the resources that have been properly set up with the correct annotations/configurations.
This example has been tested on OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.1.x running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). You will need to make some adjustments to the Let’s Encrypt certificate issuer if you change environment (more specifically, if you change the target DNS provider).
To begin, clone the project repository from a directory of your choosing and then enter the project directory:
git clone
cd end-to-end encryption demo
Installing the operators
These steps may vary as more and more operators are added to the OperatorHub. To support OCP 3.x in which OperatorHub is not available, Helm-based steps are being used.
Helm is being used in a tiller-less fashion, so you will need only the helm CLI.
oc new-project cert-manager
oc label namespace cert-manager
oc apply --validate=false -f
oc patch deployment cert-manager -n cert-manager -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"cert-manager","args":["--v=2","--cluster-resource-namespace=$(POD_NAMESPACE)","--leader-election-namespace=$(POD_NAMESPACE)","--dns01-recursive-nameservers="]}]}}}}'
Cert-utils operator
oc new-project cert-utils-operator
helm repo add cert-utils-operator
helm repo update
export cert_utils_chart_version=$(helm search cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator | grep cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator | awk '{print $2}')
helm fetch cert-utils-operator/cert-utils-operator --version ${cert_utils_chart_version}
helm template cert-utils-operator-${cert_utils_chart_version}.tgz --namespace cert-utils-operator | oc apply -f - -n cert-utils-operator
rm cert-utils-operator-${cert_utils_chart_version}.tgz
oc new-project reloader
helm repo add stakater
helm repo update
export reloader_chart_version=$(helm search stakater/reloader | grep stakater/reloader | awk '{print $2}')
helm fetch stakater/reloader --version ${reloader_chart_version}
helm template reloader-${reloader_chart_version}.tgz --namespace reloader --set isOpenshift=true | oc apply -f - -n reloader
rm reloader-${reloader_chart_version}.tgz
Configuring the certificate issuers
Next, configure the two issuers for cert-manager; one for Let’s Encrypt and the other for the internal PKI:
Let’s Encrypt issuer
export EMAIL=
oc apply -f issuers/aws-credentials.yaml
sleep 5
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(oc get secret cert-manager-dns-credentials -n cert-manager -o jsonpath='{.data.aws_access_key_id}' | base64 -d)
export REGION=$(oc get nodes --template='{{ with $i := index .items 0 }}{{ index $i.metadata.labels "" }}{{ end }}')
export zoneid=$(oc get dns cluster -o jsonpath='{}')
envsubst < issuers/lets-encrypt-issuer.yaml | oc apply -f - -n cert-manager
Internal PKI issuer
oc apply -f issuers/internal-issuer.yaml -n cert-manager
Deploying the application
oc new-project demo
oc apply -f customer/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n demo
oc apply -f customer/kubernetes/Service.yml -n demooc apply -f preference/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n demo
oc apply -f preference/kubernetes/Service.yml -n demo
oc apply -f recommendation/kubernetes/Deployment.yml -n demo
oc apply -f recommendation/kubernetes/Service.yml -n demo
If you check the status of the application at this point (for example with oc get pods), you will notice that all the pods are failing. This is due to the fact that these java microservices expect to be able to open a keystore configured in the application properties, but this keystore is not available yet. It will be injected as a secret in the following steps.
Securing the Customer Service
We are going to secure the customer service with a re-encrypt route. The certificate exposed by the route is going to be signed by the Let’s Encrypt CA, the certificate used by the pod is going to be signed by the internal CA.
## create the route
oc create route reencrypt customer --service=customer --port=https -n demo
## create the external certificate
namespace=demo route=customer host=$(oc get route $route -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{}') envsubst < certificates/ACME-certificate.yaml | oc apply -f - -n demo
## create internal certificate
service=customer namespace=demo envsubst < certificates/internal-certificate.yaml | oc apply -f - -n demo;
## annotate the secret to create keystores
oc annotate secret service-customer -n demo;
## mount the secret to the pod
oc set volume deployment customer -n demo --add=true --type=secret --secret-name=service-customer --name=keystores --mount-path=/keystores --read-only=true
## annotate the route to use the certificate
oc annotate route customer -n demo
## make the route trust the internal certificate
oc annotate route customer -n demo
At this point, if you open a browser and navigate to the route, you should see an error (because the preference service is still not working). However, you should observe that the certificate is trusted by the browser.
To find the customer route hostname type the following:
oc get route customer -n demo -o jsonpath='{}'
Securing the Preference Service
The preference service needs to be accessible from outside of the cluster by internal systems and not by external consumers. Due to this, we can use a certificate signed by the internal PKI. This certificate will need to have two Subject Alternate Names (SAN’s): one for the route and one for the internal service name (the latter is used by the customer service). We can mount this certificate on the pod and create a passthrough route to access the pod.
## create the passthrough route
oc create route passthrough preference --service=preference --port=https -n demo
## create the two-SANs certificate
namespace=demo route=preference host=$(oc get route $route -n $namespace -o jsonpath='{}') service=preference envsubst < certificates/multiSAN-internal-certificate.yaml | oc apply -f - -n demo
## annotate the secret to create keystores
oc annotate secret route-service-preference -n demo;
## mount the secret to the pod
oc set volume deployment preference-v1 -n demo --add=true --type=secret --secret-name=route-service-preference --name=keystores --mount-path=/keystores --read-only=true
If you navigate using your browser to the preference route, you should see an untrusted certificate.
To find the preference route hostname type the following:
oc get route preference -n demo -o jsonpath='{}'
Notice that the customer service trusts calling the preference service because we have configured it’s truststore based on a certificate created with the internal PKI. Since the preference service certificate has also been created with the internal PKI, then trust can be established. The same is true with the Preference to Recommendation connection.
Securing the Recommendation service
In our example, the Recommendation service is an internal service and not exposed outside of the cluster. Given that fact, we can secure it with a certificate signed by the internal PKI.
service=recommendation namespace=demo envsubst < certificates/internal-certificate.yaml | oc apply -f - -n demo;
## annotate the secret to create keystores
oc annotate secret service-recommendation -n demo;
## mount the secret to the pod
oc set volume deployment recommendation-v1 -n demo --add=true --type=secret --secret-name=service-recommendation --name=keystores --mount-path=/keystores --read-only=true
Now, if we navigate our browser to the customer service, everything should be working correctly.
To find the customer route hostname type the following:
oc get route customer -n demo -o jsonpath='{}'
Certificate Renewal
So far so good. Consider what happens when a certificate needs to be renewed. Cert-manager monitors the certificates it has issued and will renew them when it’s they are about to expire (this functionality can be customized to trigger the certificate renewal by changing the renewBefore field). At renewal time, the following occurs:
- Cert-manager contacts the configured CA to get a new certificate.
- Cert-manager replaces the secret content with the new certificate files.
- If a route is configured to use the specified certificate, the cert-utils operator updates the route TLS configuration.
- If a certificate secret is annotated to expose the certificate in keystore format, the cert-utils operator refreshes the keystore and truststore fields.
- If a certificate secret is mounted by a pod, then Kubernetes updates the content of the secret in the pod’s file system.
At this point, if an application is able to reconfigure itself based on the secret content being refreshed, then the certificate is successfully renewed. However, many applications still read their configuration at start-up and don’t monitor for subsequent changes. For those situations we can use the Reloader operator to have an application redeployed when the certificate secret is changed.
Let’s apply this configuration to enable this functionality to all of our deployments:
oc annotate deployment customer -n demo;oc annotate deployment preference-v1 -n demo;
oc annotate deployment recommendation-v1 -n demo;
To demonstrate that this is working as anticipated, we can configure cert-manager to renew the preference certificate every minute:
oc patch certificate preference -n demo -p '{"spec":{"duration":"1h1m","renewBefore":"1h"}}' --type=mergeoc delete secret route-service-preference -n demo
sleep 5
oc annotate secret route-service-preference -n demo;
At this point, one should be able to observe that the preference pods are redeployed every minute or so.
In this article, we explored an example of how one can automate the entire certificate lifecycle (provisioning, renewal, retirement) for applications while at the same time integrating with existing CAs (external and or on premise). By being able to combine features from several operators, we were able to complete this task in a reliable and repeatable fashion.
About the author
Raffaele is a full-stack enterprise architect with 20+ years of experience. Raffaele started his career in Italy as a Java Architect then gradually moved to Integration Architect and then Enterprise Architect. Later he moved to the United States to eventually become an OpenShift Architect for Red Hat consulting services, acquiring, in the process, knowledge of the infrastructure side of IT.
Currently Raffaele covers a consulting position of cross-portfolio application architect with a focus on OpenShift. Most of his career Raffaele worked with large financial institutions allowing him to acquire an understanding of enterprise processes and security and compliance requirements of large enterprise customers.
Raffaele has become part of the CNCF TAG Storage and contributed to the Cloud Native Disaster Recovery whitepaper.
Recently Raffaele has been focusing on how to improve the developer experience by implementing internal development platforms (IDP).
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