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This post demonstrates creating a secondary network to provide east/west connectivity between Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization virtual machines (VMs). You will create an overlay network (disconnected from the node's physical network) and deploy a DHCP server in a pod connected to that network, which will offer IP addresses for the VM workloads. Keep in mind that configuring IP address management (IPAM) in a network attachment definition for VMs is not yet supported.

Note that this software-defined networking (SDN) approach, which uses a virtual networking infrastructure, does not require provisioning virtual local area networks (VLANs) or other physical network resources. As such, any scenarios requiring access to the node's physical network cannot be met by the layer 2 topology presented in this post.

Open Virtual Network

Open Virtual Network (OVN) is a series of daemons for the Open vSwitch that translate virtual network configurations into OpenFlow. It provides virtual networking capabilities for any type of workload on a virtualized platform (VMs and containers) using the same API.

OVN provides a higher layer of abstraction than Open vSwitch, working with logical routers and logical switches, rather than flows. More details can be found in the OVN architecture man page.

In essence, it is an SDN control plane for Open vSwitch.


  • OpenShift cluster, version >= 4.13
  • OVN Kubernetes CNI configured as the default network provider
  • A default StorageClass


  • Developer: Person who creates and runs virtual machines. Must ask the cluster admin for the attachment names for the networks to which the VMs will connect.
  • Cluster admin: Person with cluster network admin permissions. They can create network-attachment-definitions.

The overlay definition

Provision the following YAML to define the overlay, which will configure the secondary attachment for the KubeVirt VMs.

kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: flat12
    config: |2
        "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
        "name": "flat12",
        "netAttachDefName": "default/flat12",
        "topology": "layer2",
        "type": "ovn-k8s-cni-overlay"

Please refer to the OpenShift documentation for details on each of the knobs.

The above example will configure a cluster-wide overlay network on layer 2. This means the users are responsible for providing the VM's IP addresses for the overlay network—either manually, via cloud-init, or by deploying a DHCP server in the overlay network. Deploying the DHCP server is a simple way of achieving the latter.

The following image depicts the overall idea of the scenarios:

Network diagram of the scenario

In it, the pod network is used to access the outside world (e.g., the Internet) and Kubernetes services, while the secondary network is used for communication between the VMs (e.g., an application running on VMA accesses a database deployed on VMB).

It is also worth pointing out that the value of the netAttachDefName attribute must match the namespace/name of the surrounding NetworkAttachmentDefinition object.

NOTE: This step requires cluster admin permissions.

Deploying the DHCP server

Once the administrator provisions the network definition, the developer should deploy the DHCP server. Use the following YAML for that:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
 name: dhcp-server-conf
 dhcpd.conf: |
   default-lease-time 86400;
   max-lease-time 86400;
   subnet netmask {
           option broadcast-address;
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
 name: dhcp-db
   - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 25Mi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: dhcp-server
   app: dhcp
 replicas: 1
     app: dhcp
       app: dhcp
     annotations: '[
           "name": "flatl2",
           "ips": [""]
     - name: server
         - "-4"
         - "-f"
         - "-d"
         - "--no-pid"
         - "-cf"
         - "/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf"
         runAsUser: 1000
         privileged: true
       - name: multus-daemon-config
         mountPath: /etc/dhcp
         readOnly: true
       - name: dhcpdb
         mountPath: "/var/lib/dhcp"
     - name: multus-daemon-config
         name: dhcp-server-conf
         - key: dhcpd.conf
           path: dhcpd.conf
     - name: dhcpdb
         claimName: dhcp-db

The YAML above provisions a deployment (with a single replica) that will ensure the DHCP server is always up. Its specification has a few elements that should be highlighted:

  • The IP address of the DHCP server is statically configured in the pod template.
  • The DHCP server configuration is provided via a ConfigMap. It must exclude the static IP address assigned to the DHCP server from its advertised range.
  • The DHCP server leases must be stored in persistent storage so it can survive the pod dying for whatever reason.
  • This configuration only works for one replica. Thus, there is a single point of failure.

Remember, this is a simple example and should not be used in production. Setting static IP addresses via cloud-init is recommended since they do not rely on a single point of failure (the DHCP server).

The container image was created from this specification.

Deploying the VM workloads

Finally, the user should deploy the VM workloads. For that, execute the following command:

cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: VirtualMachine
 name: vm-server
 running: true
           - name: containerdisk
               bus: virtio
           - name: cloudinitdisk
               bus: virtio
         - name: default
           masquerade: {}
         - name: flatl2-overlay
           bridge: {}
         type: ""
           memory: 1024M
     - name: default
       pod: {}
     - name: flatl2-overlay
         networkName: flatl2
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
       - name: containerdisk
       - name: cloudinitdisk
           userData: |-
             password: fedora
             chpasswd: { expire: False }
             - nginx
             - [ "systemctl", "enable", "--now", "nginx" ]
kind: VirtualMachine
 name: vm-client
 running: true
           - name: containerdisk
               bus: virtio
           - name: cloudinitdisk
               bus: virtio
         - name: default
           masquerade: {}
         - name: flatl2-overlay
           bridge: {}
         type: ""
           memory: 1024M
     - name: default
       pod: {}
     - name: flatl2-overlay
         networkName: flatl2
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
       - name: containerdisk
       - name: cloudinitdisk
           userData: |-
             password: fedora
             chpasswd: { expire: False }

The YAML provided above will create two VMs, each with a network interface connected to the cluster default network (granting access to Kubernetes services and access to the Internet), plus a secondary interface connected to the overlay defined in the network attachment definition presented above.

The VM named vm-server installs and starts nginx via cloud-init. The server starts and listens on port 80 (the default port).

Once both VMs have booted up, check their IP addresses. Confirm they can use the overlay to communicate by accessing the nginx web server in the vm-server VM:

# check the IP address of the `server` VM
oc get vmi vm-server -ojsonpath="{@.status.interfaces}" | jq
   "infoSource": "domain, guest-agent",
   "interfaceName": "eth0",
   "ipAddress": "",
   "ipAddresses": [
   "mac": "02:2e:2f:00:00:0e",
   "name": "default",
   "queueCount": 1
   "infoSource": "domain, guest-agent, multus-status",
   "interfaceName": "eth1",
   "ipAddress": "",
   "ipAddresses": [
   "mac": "02:2e:2f:00:00:0f",
   "name": "flatl2-overlay",
   "queueCount": 1
# connect to the `client` VM over the serial console
# user / password are both `fedora`
virtctl console vm-client
Successfully connected to vm-client console. The escape sequence is ^]
vm-client login: fedora
[fedora@vm-client ~]$ curl -I # curl defaults to port 80
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.24.0
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2023 15:19:56 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 8474
Last-Modified: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "63f2b800-211a"
Accept-Ranges: bytes

Wrap up

This post shows how to use OVN-Kubernetes to create an overlay to connect VMs in different nodes using secondary networks without configuring any physical networking infrastructure.

Since IPAM cannot be used for virtualized workloads on OpenShift, you can work around that by deploying a DHCP server in a pod attached to the overlay network.


Miguel is a Principal Software Engineer for OpenShift Virtualization, working at Red Hat since 2018.

His main interests are SDN / NFV, functional programming, containers and virtualization.

Miguel is a member of the Network Plumbing Working Group, a maintainer of several CNI plugins (whereabouts, macvtap), and a contributor to some others (ovn-kubernetes, multus).

Read full bio

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