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Mark Longwell

Mark Longwell

Director, Telco and Edge Alliances, Hybrid Platforms Business Unit

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Mark Longwell is the Director, Telco and Edge Alliances in the Hybrid Platforms Business unit, with a focus on Telco partners. Mark joined Red Hat in 2016. At Red Hat, Mark focuses on leveraging his extensive Linux partnering experience to work with Red Hat's Global Telco and Edge partners on various go-to-market activities, CNF and VNF Certifications on Red Hat technologies, and technical and sales enablement activities. In his spare time, Mark likes to hike and follow Liverpool Football Club. Mark lives in Boston, MA.

Specialty areas: CNF/VNF Certification, Telco Partnering and Onboarding, global alliances, RAN, ORAN and 5G Core in the Telco market space, and all things alliances and business development related in the Telco space.