
Did you know that there is an entire day dedicated to celebrating the customer experience? It’s called Customer Experience (CX) Day and it’s officially today, October 3rd! 

Not only is the customer experience important today, but it is something Red Hat focuses on and celebrates every day of the year. Red Hat’s strategy emphasizes providing exceptional and consistent experiences for our customers to help them achieve success with our products and services. 

One way that we celebrate our customers and focus on improving their experience is through partnering with teams across the organization to share feedback to make sure we are keeping customers top of mind in all decisions. You can read more about ways that several Red Hat teams recently worked to drive action items based on feedback we received from customers at our most recent Red Hat Summit event in our blog

We are constantly innovating and working to understand what drives success for our customers and what opportunities Red Hat has to exceed our customers’ needs and expectations. Have feedback that you’d like to share with us? Reach out directly to our Customer Experience and Advocacy team at experience-advocacy@redhat.com to let us know how we can continue to improve. 
Stay up-to-date on the latest improvements to our products and services based on customer and partner feedback on our You Asked. We Acted page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.


Red Hat's Customer and Partner Experience team works to drive customer and partner success by collecting, analyzing and operationalizing feedback. The team works with all areas of Red Hat to drive enhancements based on the feedback we receive from users.

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