
Yesterday in oVirt Dockerized: Part 1, we learned how to run oVirt on a virtual machine or server, and the "fun part" of making oVirt go. In Part 2, we dive deeper into running oVirt with a remote database and as a standalone container, interactive configuration of an oVirt container, and how to clean up your environment.

Run oVirt with a Remote Database

In this scenario, the oVirt container is connected to the data containers and are linked within the same namespace

cd oVirt-Dockerized/Run && sudo make ovirt-run


Run oVirt as a Standalone Container

Here, there is one container with the engine and a database.

cd oVirt-Dockerized/Run && sudo make ovirt-SA-run

The above commands will use the images on the mgoldboi/ovirt* Docker registry. If you want to build or rebuild your own images, you can fork or clone the oVirt-dockerzied repo and examine the Build/Makefile options. Some examples include:

Interactive Configuration of oVirt Container

cd oVirt-Dockerized/Build && sudo make ovirt-manual

Build your custom auto-configuration by changing the answer file values.

cd oVirt-Dockerized/Build && vim DockerFiles/ovirt-SA/ovirt-engine-35-localdb.conf

You can start by changing the password:


Or you can configure your hostname fqdn:


Once you are done with such changes, you can build it:

sudo make ovirt-SA

You can watch the build process proceed and oVirt being configured with your custom values. This will create an ovirt-sa-configured-3.5.0 package in your local repo. You can then list the images you have using

sudo docker images

and finally make it run:

cd oVirt-Dockerized/Run && sudo make ovirt-SA-run

Clean Your Environment

To stop and remove your oVirt containers, run

make clean

Remember, this command doesn’t touch images; those can be removed with

docker rmi image_name


Moran Goldboim joined Red Hat in 2010 and is now a Senior Principal Product Manager.

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