
Red Hat Developer Subscription for Individuals provides access to the most popular database and/or web servers, such as PostgreSQL, MariaDB, httpd and Nginx via Application Streams. While this is a great way for Linux developers to get started implementing applications quickly, Application Streams follow their own lifecycles, which can pose a challenge for RHEL developers and administrators trying to keep their system in a supported state.

Red Hat Insights to the rescue! We’ve recently added a new set of Advisor recommendations which alerts users for an approaching retirement date of Application Streams. 

Lifecycle alerts and other recommendations

Developers can use the Insights service to monitor and analyze Application Stream workloads, so they can be confident that they're running smoothly at all times. The platform monitors your environment and produces recommendations when it detects problems or unexpected behavior.

Let’s take Nginx as an example. Recommendations in Red Hat Insights will help you:

Every recommendation comes with system-specific details about the detected issue, steps to resolve and a source of additional information.


Red Hat Insights Application Streams

Remediate issues via Red Hat connector tool

Insights findings, such as Advisor recommendations, typically come with an automated method for remediation. To apply the remediation, you can leverage the Red Hat connector (RHC) tool, whichallows users to execute provided remediations directly on their hosts from within the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. 


Red Hat Insights Application Streams detected issues

To configure the Red Hat connector, you need to follow a few simple steps outlined in the Red Hat connector Configuration Guide

Start developing with RHEL Application Streams and Red Hat Insights

Head over to Red Hat Enterprise Linux Getting Started page and grab your free developer subscription to get started.


With more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, Stefan Bunciak is currently the Product Manager for Red Hat Insights. He completed his master's degree in Informatics at Masaryk University in Brno and is skilled in project and people management, quality engineering, and software development. In his spare time, he plays violin in a folklore band.

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