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Add a repo and install a package the Ansible way

How to add package repositories and install packages on many hosts by using Ansible.
Deploying packages with Ansible


Ansible makes life easier for sysadmins. In this article, I show you how Ansible makes managing hosts easier by adding a package repository (repo) and installing a package from it. But first, let me remind you how to do it without Ansible.

Add one repo to a host and install a package

Well, I guess most of you already know how this works. Anyway, here are some examples of enabling a repo on a single host and installing a package from it.

Example 1: Subscription-Manager and YUM

First, enable a repo with the subscription-manager and then install a package via yum with the following command:

$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-rpms
$ sudo yum install git

That's it. Easy, right? This example runs the commands manually, and it's simple enough for a single host.

Example 2: YUM only

I could temporarily enable a repo (if it is currently disabled in the configuration) and install a package from it with the following command:

$ sudo yum --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms install git

And this one is easy, too, right?

Okay, but how do I add a repo to a remote host, and then install a package there? Well, I could do something like this:

$ ssh yum --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms install git

I guess that works, too.

Example 3: Configure multiple remote hosts

So what do I do when it comes to multiple remote hosts? Well, I could use a loop like:

$ for HOST in (host1 host2 host3); do
  ssh root@$HOST yum --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms install git

With this loop, git is installed as a serial job on host1, host2, and host3. But what if I have hundreds of hosts? That would be a long-running loop! And what if I have to enable different repos depending on whether a host belongs to production or testing? Hosts in testing may use different repos than hosts in production. Of course, I could create a shell script solution for that problem, too. Instead of going down that rabbit hole, I will show you how to accelerate your work by using Ansible.

And now the Ansible way

When I started with automation, it was easiest to run commands in parallel on my hosts. Let's say I have the following static inventory file with two groups and four hosts in it that looks like this:



I could run the job from Example 3 above in parallel using the Ansible ad-hoc mode:

$ ansible all -m command -a 'yum --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms install git'

The command module runs a given command in parallel on the hosts specified by a host pattern (all in this case).

Add a new repo and install a package

You may have noticed that I used the rhel-7-server-rpms repo in the examples above. It already exists in my yum configuration. In some cases, there is no configured repo, so I must specify one to use it. First, I create the .repo file. For example, I want to add a repo named rhel-t-stage to the remote hosts and install git from it. So I could go with the following playbook:

- hosts: testing
    - name: Add repo rhel-t-stage
        name: rhel-t-stage
        description: “Repo for hosts in testing”
        baseurl: “”
        gpgcheck: yes
        gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/gpg-key

    - name: Install git
        name: git
        state: latest

In the above playbook, I add the new repo to all hosts in the testing group from the inventory file. If I would like to add a different repo to all hosts in the production group, I copy the above playbook and modify it to fit the desired configuration for production.

But there is an even better solution!

Be aware of group_vars

For this example, I assume the following use case.

  • Two repos called rhel-t-stage and custom-t-stage should be added to all hosts in the testing group.
  • Two repos called rhel-p-stage and custom-p-stage should be added to all hosts in the production group.

Along with the inventory file above, I've created the group_vars directory. I have also created the testing and production files in it. Variables specified in these files are used during playbook runs for the hosts in the corresponding groups from the inventory file. The following examples shine some light on it:

$ cat group_vars/testing
repo_name1: rhel-t-stage
repo_description1: RHEL packages for testing only

repo_name2: custom-t-stage
repo_description2: Custom packages for testing only

$ cat group_vars/production
repo_name1: rhel-p-stage
repo_description1: RHEL packages for production only

repo_name2: custom-p-stage
repo_description2: Custom packages for testing only

As you see, each line starts with a variable name followed by the value assigned to that variable. These are used in a playbook as follows:

- hosts: all

    - name: Add RHEL repo
        name: “{{ repo_name1 }}“
        description: “{{ repo_description1 }}“
        baseurl: "{{ repo_baseurl1 }}"
        gpgcheck: yes
        gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/RPM-GPG-KEY-example

    - name: Add custom repo
        name: “{{ repo_name2 }}“
        description: “{{ repo_description2 }}“
        baseurl: "{{ repo_baseurl2 }}"
        gpgcheck: yes
        gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/RPM-GPG-KEY-example

Ansible looks up the variables in the group_vars directory and uses the specified values accordingly. This way, the correct repos are added to the testing and production systems. Because the modules used in this example are idempotent (like most Ansible modules), I don't have to worry whether these repos are already configured. If the repos are already set, Ansible recognizes this and doesn't change anything.

Wrap up

Using Ansible helped me to reduce the lines of code and, therefore, the risk of failures. Configuration files and playbooks based on YAML are easy to read. And in my opinion much easier to read then custom shell scripts.

For me, I like the Ansible way of doing things. What about you?

If you are looking for a place to start with automation, take a look at my previous article, Easing into Automation.

[ Looking for more on system automation? Get started with The Automated Enterprise, a free book from Red Hat. ]

Topics:   Ansible   Automation  
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Jörg Kastning

Jörg has been a Sysadmin for over ten years now. His fields of operation include Virtualization (VMware), Linux System Administration and Automation (RHEL), Firewalling (Forcepoint), and Loadbalancing (F5). More about me

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