When developing an Operator in Go, structuring our code can become a challenge. Specifically, the main “Reconcile()” function tends to grow ever longer with each action performed by the controller that can potentially trigger a requeue.
Of course, we can find clever ways to solve this challenge in each operator project. Or we can use the subreconciler library.
This library allows developers to improve the overall code readability by structuring the reconciliation logic into "subreconcilers". Each subreconciler is an independent function that handles a specific task of the reconciliation logic.
In this blog post, we'll take a look at a concrete example of how developers can add the subreconciler library to their operator project by re-implementing the memcached-operator.
Implementing the memcached-operator is a common learning exercise when getting started with Go operators. This is in fact the tutorial of operator-sdk. We'll first take a look at the code and see how we can transition to subreconcilers to improve structure and code readability of the memached-operator.
To follow along, each step of this process is implemented as a separate commit in this repository.
The world before subreconcilers
Here is the implementation of the memcached-operator at the end of the operator-sdk tutorial.
The main Reconcile function is over 200 lines long. It's composed of a few distinct tasks like adding a finalizer, updating the CR status and reconciling a Deployment child resource.
It's of course completely fine to keep it as it is, but as the project grows, this function will grow bigger and bigger and it will get more and more difficult to keep things tidy. In particular, while each task is independent, they all are implemented in the same function.
So let's break the main reconciler into subreconcilers.
Step 1: Defining How to Split the Code
We identified 5 distinct tasks that are performed by the main reconcile function:
- The controller first sets the status of the resource to "Unknown".
- Then it adds a finalizer to the Memcached resource.
- The controller then checks if the resource is marked to be deleted and performs cleanup actions before removing the finalizer.
- A child resource is reconciled next. If it doesn't already exist, the controller creates a Deployment for Memcached. Otherwise, it checks that the Deployment is correctly configured.
- Finally the controller updates the resource status with information on the Memcached deployment.
Check this commit to see how we aim at organizing the code. We will create a subreconciler for each of these steps.
Step 2: Creating our First Subreconciler
This commit demonstrates the full implementation of our first subreconciler, setStatusToUnknown
This is the actual task that we want to offload to a dedicated subreconciler:
// Let's just set the status as Unknown when no status are available
if memcached.Status.Conditions == nil || len(memcached.Status.Conditions) == 0 {
meta.SetStatusCondition(&memcached.Status.Conditions, metav1.Condition{Type: typeAvailableMemcached, Status: metav1.ConditionUnknown, Reason: "Reconciling", Message: "Starting reconciliation"})
if err = r.Status().Update(ctx, memcached); err != nil {
log.Error(err, "Failed to update Memcached status")
return ctrl.Result{}, err
First we create an empty subreconciler that follows the function type subreconciler.FnWithRequest
The subreconciler library comes with a set of "flow control functions", which indicates to the main reconciler (i.e. the Reconcile() function) whether reconciliation should continue, halt, throw an error, requeue, etc.
It is necessary to add a
return subreconciler.ContinueReconciling ()
statement at the end of each subreconciler to notify the main reconciler to continue the reconciliation logic.
// setStatusToUnknown is a function of type subreconciler.FnWithRequest
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) setStatusToUnknown(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (*ctrl.Result, error) {
return subreconciler.ContinueReconciling()
Note that the Memcached
resource is not passed from the main reconciler to the subreconciler. This is a design decision as it is considered best practice to treat subreconcilers as independent "reconcilers". It is therefore necessary to fetch the latest version of the Memcached resource at the beginning of our (sub)reconciliation.
Our subreconciler becomes:
// setStatusToUnknown is a function of type subreconciler.FnWithRequest
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) setStatusToUnknown(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (*ctrl.Result, error) {
log := log.FromContext(ctx)
memcached := &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{}
// Fetch the latest version of the memcached resource
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, memcached); err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
// If the custom resource is not found then, it usually means that it was deleted or not created
// In this way, we will stop the reconciliation
log.Info("memcached resource not found. Ignoring since object must be deleted")
return subreconciler.DoNotRequeue()
// Error reading the object - requeue the request.
log.Error(err, "Failed to get memcached")
return subreconciler.RequeueWithError(err)
return subreconciler.ContinueReconciling()
Here we see two new flow control functions:
return subreconciler.DoNotRequeue()
indicates to the main reconciler that the reconciliation should stop, and that the request should not be requeued. It essentially replaces areturn ctrl.Result{}, nil
in the main reconciler.return subreconciler.RequeueWithError(err)
indicates to the main reconciler that an error occurred and should be logged, and to requeue the request. It essentially replaces areturn ctrl.Result{}, err
in the main reconciler.
We are now only missing the actual reconciliation logic: setting the Status to "Unknown".
// setStatusToUnknown is a function of type subreconciler.FnWithRequest
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) setStatusToUnknown(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (*ctrl.Result, error) {
log := log.FromContext(ctx)
memcached := &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{}
// Fetch the latest version of the memcached resource
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, memcached); err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
// If the custom resource is not found then, it usually means that it was deleted or not created
// In this way, we will stop the reconciliation
log.Info("memcached resource not found. Ignoring since object must be deleted")
return subreconciler.DoNotRequeue()
// Error reading the object - requeue the request.
log.Error(err, "Failed to get memcached")
return subreconciler.RequeueWithError(err)
// Let's just set the status as Unknown when no status are available
if memcached.Status.Conditions == nil || len(memcached.Status.Conditions) == 0 {
meta.SetStatusCondition(&memcached.Status.Conditions, metav1.Condition{Type: typeAvailableMemcached, Status: metav1.ConditionUnknown, Reason: "Reconciling", Message: "Starting reconciliation"})
if err := r.Status().Update(ctx, memcached); err != nil {
log.Error(err, "Failed to update Memcached status")
return subreconciler.RequeueWithError(err)
return subreconciler.ContinueReconciling()
And, voila, we created our first subreconciler!
Now, let's see how to call it from the main reconciliation loop. This is a two step process.
First we have to call the subreconciler:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
// Run the setStatusToUnknown subreconciler
result, err := r.setStatusToUnknown(ctx, req)
Then we need to check the values returned by the subreconciler to either requeue, halt or continue the reconciliation. The subreconciler library provides a function for exactly this purpose:
ShouldHaltOrRequeue returns true if reconciler result is not nil or the err is not nil
If we are indeed in a situation that calls for a requeue or a halt of the reconciliation, we return
from the main reconcile function. Here we use the handy Evaluate
function from the subreconciler library:
Evaluate returns the actual reconcile struct and error. Wrap helpers in this when returning from within the top-level Reconciler.
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
// Run the setStatusToUnknown subreconciler
result, err := r.setStatusToUnknown(ctx, req)
// Stop the reconciliation if needed.
if subreconciler.ShouldHaltOrRequeue(result, err) {
return subreconciler.Evaluate(result, err)
This can also be written:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
// Run the setStatusToUnknown subreconciler
if r, err := r.setStatusToUnknown(ctx, req); subreconciler.ShouldHaltOrRequeue(r, err) {
return subreconciler.Evaluate(r, err)
Note that because we don't pass the Memcached resource to subreconcilers, the main reconcile function doesn't have the latest version of our resource. This will lead to issues as the rest of the Reconcile() function works on an outdated version of the Memacached resource, and the Kubernetes API will reject attempts to modify the resource. We can solve this issue in two ways:
- Force a requeue after modifying the resource in the subreconciler.
- Ensure that we work on the latest version of the resource in the main reconciler by fetching it again after having called the subreconciler.
We are going with the second option for now. We'll see how that becomes obsolete after the next step.
Step 3: Creating Other Subreconcilers
We now repeat the same process for the 4 other parts of the reconcile function that we previously identified. We create 4 new subreconcilers:
Here is the implementation of this step.
Again, two new flow control functions are introduced in this step:
return subreconciler.Requeue()
forces a requeue not caused by an error. This is the equivalent ofreturn ctrl.Result{Requeue: true}, nil
in the main reconciler.return subreconciler.RequeueWithDelay(time.Minute)
requeues the request after a delay. It replaces areturn ctrl.Result {RequeueAfter: time.Minute}, nil
Note that each subreconciler starts with the same logic: fetching the latest version of the Memcached instance. It is therefore not necessary to requeue each time a subreconciler update this object, as it is guaranteed that those changes will be picked up by other subreconcilers.
Step 4: Some Refactoring
Arguably this can be done along the way, but for clarity we kept this step separated. There are a couple of things we can do:
First we can put all our subreconcilers in a list and loop over it to call subreconcilers. Our Reconcile() function becomes even shorter:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
// The list of subreconcilers for Memached
subreconcilersForMemcached := []subreconciler.FnWithRequest{
// Run all subreconcilers sequentially
for _, f := range subreconcilersForMemcached {
if r, err := f(ctx, req); subreconciler.ShouldHaltOrRequeue(r, err) {
return subreconciler.Evaluate(r, err)
See this commit for the implementation of this first improvement.
Second, we can use the subreconciler library in the return
statement of Reconcile()
for consistency:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
return subreconciler.Evaluate(subreconciler.DoNotRequeue())
See how it is done in this commit.
Finally, we have noticed that each of our subreconcilers starts with the same logic: getting the latest version of the Memcached instance. We can create a small function which does just that:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) getLatestMemached(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request, memcached *cachev1alpha1.Memcached) (*ctrl.Result, error) {
log := log.FromContext(ctx)
// Fetch the latest version of the memcached resource
if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, memcached); err != nil {
if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
// If the custom resource is not found then, it usually means that it was deleted or not created
// In this way, we will stop the reconciliation
log.Info("memcached resource not found. Ignoring since object must be deleted")
return subreconciler.DoNotRequeue()
// Error reading the object - requeue the request.
log.Error(err, "Failed to get memcached")
return subreconciler.RequeueWithError(err)
return subreconciler.ContinueReconciling()
And call this function in our subreconcilers as follow:
func (r *MemcachedReconciler) setStatusToUnknown(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (*ctrl.Result, error) {
memcached := &cachev1alpha1.Memcached{}
// Fetch the latest Memcached
// If this fails, bubble up the reconcile results to the main reconciler
if r, err := r.getLatestMemached(ctx, req, memcached); subreconciler.ShouldHaltOrRequeue(r, err) {
return r, err
Finally, in a traditional approach (without subreconcilers), the main reconciler first gets the latest version of Memcached. This acts as a validation that the CRD has been correctly installed and that the Memcached instance exists.
This task is now redundant as this is effectively done at the start of each subreconciler.
For an implementation of this improvement in the memcached operator, see this last commit.
Final Result
Here is how the reconciliation logic looks like now that we have introduced the subreconciler library into the memached-operator project.
We can see that the structure of our code has been significantly improved. Each task that is performed as part of the reconciliation of a Memcached instance is logically separated and can be developed independently from the other. We also gain the ability to write generic subreconcilers, that can be shared across controllers, though we didn’t demonstrate it in this blog post. The Reconcile() function went from being over 200 lines long to less the 20.
As a tradeoff, we have to ensure, at the beginning of each subreconciler, that we are working with the latest version of the Memcached instance. Also, the file memcached_controller.go
grew from 450 lines to 529.
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