Automate AWS with Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

One solution for organizations struggling to manage the complexity of their hybrid cloud environment is an enterprise automation platform, such as Red Hat® Ansible® Automation Platform, which can provide many significant operational improvements.

The benefits of hybrid cloud automation

Cost efficiency: Businesses often struggle to avoid cloud sprawl, which can lead to bloated and uncontrolled cloud costs. Avoid this by using automation to help ensure no unused instances or other unused resources remain active.

Operational efficiency: Automate infrastructure and resource management tasks that normally go to engineers so they can innovate and create value in other areas.

Improved governance: Automation helps ensure resources and processes follow compliance and security requirements and reduce the need for manual intervention.

Automate AWS with Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible Automation Platform's large ecosystem of Certified Content Collections allows organizations to connect multiple platforms and transform existing manual processes into repeatable and scalable processes. These automated processes translate across the entire IT environment, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud—all the way from the datacenter to devices at the edge of your network.

Using Ansible Automation Platform’s workflow template tool—and its extensive library of validated content for AWS cloud automation—to daisy chain multiple playbooks together in a simple visual designer, organizations can automate management of key areas of the AWS cloud.

Table 1. Features of automating AWS with Ansible Automation Platform

The business value of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Ansible Automation Platform users have achieved significant improvements in a number of key areas1 including:

  • A 667% five-year return on investment.
  • 30% more efficient IT infrastructure management.
  • 29% more efficient network infrastructure management.
  • 75% faster deployment of new storage resources.
  • 39% more applications developed and managed per year.
  • 30% more efficient IT security teams.
  • A 76% reduction in unplanned downtime.
Set up instances with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)Automate the creation and management of Amazon EC2 instances and ensure security and compliance standards are checked and followed. This supports infrastructure visibility, cloud migration, and infrastructure optimization.
Set up storage with Amazon Simple Store Solution (S3)Automate the management of Amazon S3 storage buckets in AWS. This supports cloud operations, optimization, and backups.
Manage infrastructure and resources integration into AWS CloudFormation As part of an automation workflow, automate infrastructure deployment, categorization, and access with AWS CloudFormation including deployment, categorization, access, security, and compliance. Cloud operations, DevOps, and infrastructure orchestration will benefit by integrating AWS CloudFormation into more detailed workflows.
Improve visibility and ensure compliance with integration into AWS CloudtrailAutomate tracking of user activity, application programming interface (API) usage, and the creation of AWS Cloudtrail logs to ensure compliance with any relevant regulations. This will also support visibility and automated troubleshooting by understanding what the errors are and triggering a remediation workflow.
Automate management of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Automate the configuration and management of Amazon VPCs, while ensuring they follow all security and compliance standards. Coordinate networks across cloud and on-premise to ensure Amazon VPCs are accessible.
Automate security and compliance with integrationsAnsible Automation Platform integrates with AWS and third-party security and compliance tools and allows organizations to implement their processes to ensure their cloud resources and policies are not deviating from security or compliance standards.

Check out the AWS guide to get started or read the documentation.

The value of an Ansible Automation Platform subscription

Ansible Automation Platform is available as a self-managed offering from the AWS Marketplace, ready to be deployed in an AWS cloud environment. This offering is supported by Red Hat and provides the complete Ansible Automation Platform, including the full Ansible collection for AWS, and integrations with many AWS services. For a full list of integrations visit the Ansible on AWS page.

Enterprise support: Red Hat provides Premium Support for this offering, meaning organizations have unlimited 24x7 access to Red Hat’s network of experienced engineers.

Integrated billing: Integrated AWS billing gives organizations full visibility into cost with a single bill and allows organizations with existing spend agreements with AWS to count a percentage of the cost of this offering toward that spend agreement.

Get started with Ansible Automation Platform on AWS

Learn more by visiting our Ansible on AWS page or try the self-paced labs. Find out more about Red Hat solutions available on AWS and visit the AWS Marketplace to learn about purchasing an Ansible Automation Platform subscription.

  1. IDC White Paper, sponsored by Red Hat. “The Business Value of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.” Document #US48678022, October 2021.