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Happy 5th Birthday, Fedora! On September 24, 2008 the Fedora Project celebrated five successful years of leading the advancement of free, open software and content. So don your party hat - we suggest a Fedora - and help us celebrate five years of innovation and a thriving Fedora community that’s primed for many more years to come.

We’ve hit many milestones and would like to share just a few numbers to recap the past 1,826 days:

Released nine distributions with another, Fedora 10 (Cambridge), slated for release in November 2008 More than 13,500 Fedora Account System members – many of whom are building packages, checking in code, editing the wiki, etc. About 6,500 total source packages in Fedora with more than 10,000 binary packages in the development branch that will become Fedora 10 Over 550 volunteer representatives in Fedora’s global Ambassadors program Sixteen Fedora User and Developer Conferences (FUDCons) worldwide, and an undisclosed number of tasty beverages at FUDPub events! Millions of happy Fedora users worldwide!

Thank you to all who have devoted your time and energy to making Fedora a great platform, and a fantastic community!


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