Questions like this tug at the heartstrings - and coronary arteries - of systems administrators everywhere. At Red Hat, we’re IT people. We get it.
That’s why we’re proud to announce the availability of an updated Red Hat Command Center hosted service. Red Hat Command Center makes it easy to keep a watchful eye on your entire IT infrastructure, so you find out about problems in-the-making well before they turn into early morning emergencies.
As you’d expect, Red Hat Command Center works like a song with your Red Hat Enterprise Linux and JBoss software. Recognizing that your IT infrastructure includes not only Linux and JBoss, but everything above and around that, we’ve made sure that Command Center can also keep an eye on the rest of your IT environment including Solaris 10, Windows Server 2003, VMware ESX, Oracle 10g, MySQL 5, SQL Server 2005, IIS 6, Apache, Tomcat, physical network devices, web sites, web-based applications and more.
To make it easy and inexpensive to deploy, we’ve designed Red Hat Command Center to operate in the software as a service model, just like the familiar Red Hat Network Hosted service that’s included with every copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Red Hat Command Center customers have the security of knowing that their monitoring solution is deployed in Red Hat’s secure data centers and maintained 24×7 by our professional Network Operations Center staff. That means you can deploy with confidence, pay only for what you use and save the expense and hassle of setting up and maintaining yet another IT system in-house.
Of course for customers who prefer the flexibility and control of a 100 percent on-premises monitoring solution, we’ve got that covered too via Red Hat Network Satellite and JBoss Operations Network with Monitoring Module. Compare Red Hat’s software-as-a-service and on-premises systems management options here.
Red Hat Command Center now offers comprehensive application-level monitoring for unlimited services at the low annual subscription rate of $192 per server. And, starting today, every Red Hat Command Center system subscription also allows basic up/down monitoring for every system in your network, at no additional cost!
So go ahead, give Red Hat Command Center a try. We think you’ll sleep easier at night.
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