As part of Red Hat Smart Management, we are pleased to announce the availability of Red Hat Satellite 6.9. This release includes a number of new and updated features to help organizations streamline management and automation, along with continued improvements in simplification and a more streamlined connected experience.
Red Hat Satellite is part of the Red Hat Smart Management subscription that makes it easier for enterprises to manage patching, provisioning, and subscription management of Red Hat Enterprise Linux infrastructure.
Red Hat Smart Management is fully integrated with Red Hat Insights and Red Hat Ansible Automation for automated identification and immediate resolution of compliance issues, misconfigurations and security risks, providing an automated solution to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments at scale, regardless of where they are running.
What’s New in Red Hat Satellite 6.9?
Satellite 6.9 introduces features and enhancements including:
Improved Satellite ease of use, with special focus on remote execution of tasks.
Simplified subscription workflow when Simple Content Access is enabled.
If you’re not already familiar, Simple Content Access makes it easier to use Red Hat subscription products without the complexity of subscription management tools.
Improving the connected experience with new features such as improved inventory sharing for better tagging in, and for new installs of Satellite a connected experience is the default, connecting Satellite and hosts to Insights at
Note: If you are upgrading from an existing Satellite environment the default settings are not changed.
Support for Red Hat SSO with time based one time password (TOTP) for two factor authentication (2FA).
For more details on these and a complete list of new and improved features, see the release notes.
For instructions on performing a fresh installation of Red Hat Satellite 6.9, see Installing Satellite Server from a Connected Network or Installing Satellite Server from a Disconnected Network.
For instructions on upgrading from an earlier version of Red Hat Satellite 6.x, see the Upgrading and Updating Red Hat Satellite Guide or use the Red Hat Satellite Upgrade Helper.
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