Red Hat training

Ways to test

Whether remotely, at your location, at a testing station, or in a Red Hat® classroom, our exams can be taken when and where it's most convenient for you.

Our exams can come to you

Help your team validate their skills by having a Red Hat exam delivered to your location. With a low daily rate and simple setup, these offerings lend flexibility and convenience to the certification process.

Via remote access

Red Hat’s remote exams bring flexibility to your certification journey by allowing you to take our performance-based tests from your own home. Take advantage of the ability to prove your skills on our technologies in the most convenient setting for you.

Learn more about remote exams

At your location

In addition to on-site training options, you can also certify 6 or more employees at your location. Before arriving on site, we assist your technical staff in ensuring the venue is prepared to run Red Hat courses and exams.

At an individual exams testing station

Remotely monitored by a Red Hat test proctor, a personal testing station offers the full functionality required to take the exam in a secure manner. Individual exams provide a flexible, convenient way to accommodate busy schedules.

Choose a Red Hat location near you

You can prove your skills by taking a hands-on certification exam in a classroom setting or scheduling an individual exam at a time and place that is best for you.

Enroll in an individual exam

All Red Hat exams are available as individual exams that are taken either remotely or on a secure, preconfigured testing station at a Red Hat- or a Red Hat partner—location. You can select a time and date, then prepare at your own pace.

Enroll in a classroom exam

Classroom exams are monitored by a proctor and taken on preconfigured hardware at a Red Hat testing facility. You can enroll in prescheduled classroom exams by selecting a location near you and viewing available dates.

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