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Today’s API economy—a fancy term for how application programming interfaces help companies make money—can add more value to your business if you plan wisely.

Red Hat® Shares is a small collection of insightful stories each month about big IT challenges.

In this issue

API strategy

  • How to craft a successful API strategy
  • Survey says
  • The API owner's manual: Best practices of successful API teams
  • Winning the API economy
  • Customer spotlight: An open solution and APIs support Schiphol’s goal of becoming the best digital airport
  • More to explore
  • New Red Hat offerings and releases

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From the editor

In our (totally unscientific) Twitter poll targeting IT pros, most voters (37%)1 said their organizations don’t have an application programming interface (API) strategy.

They could be missing out. Today's API economy can add more value to your business if you plan wisely―like the 33%2 of organizations that use APIs to create revenue. If you don’t have an API strategy, this month's Red Hat® Shares is for you.

New to APIs? Start here.

1. 27% have a strategy; 19% are working on a strategy; 17% aren't sure if they have a strategy.
2. Source: "APIs: Building a connected business in the app economy." CA Technologies.

How to craft a successful API strategy

An API strategy is complex, involving many roles―and not just technical ones. This on-demand webinar covers business cases for APIs, API strategy models, case studies, and more.

Learn from the experts

Survey says

The API owner’s manual: Best practices of successful API teams

This e-book gives you an overview of how an effective API program runs, along with best practices about how to make that happen.

Some assembly required

Winning the API economy

Read this e-book to find out how to use APIs to transform your business, generate revenues, broaden distribution, and unleash innovation.

Aim high

Customer spotlight

An open solution and APIs support Schiphol’s goal of becoming the best digital airport

Key to Amsterdam Airport Schiphol’s digital strategy are the services it delivers via APIs, including its Flight API. See how an open source solution now lets the airport create APIs 50% faster.

Prepare for takeoff

More to explore

About the author

The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

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