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Managing access to systems on your network can be challenging. I've seen admins create all users on all machines, others that share accounts using SSH keys or even passwords, and still others that use LDAP binding (sometimes using the existing Active Directory infrastructure and sometimes using a separate domain) which requires them to write LDAP queries to filter access.

All these methods make managing access to machines difficult, and they require the admins to be informed when someone has left or joined a team. Shared accounts can make logging mostly useless as everyone will have the same username. And I'm probably not alone in having a bad experience with HR informing technical teams when there's a change to a team. However, there's a solution for all of this, and it works well, and integrates with common enterprise setups.

Most companies I've come across have some form of ERP system that automatically creates, disables, or deletes user accounts in Microsoft Active Directory (AD), so you can take advantage of the work that others are doing. For example, SSSD can connect directly to AD.

If you've ever set up an authentication server for Linux that had a trust to AD, you've had SSSD talk to your AD servers. If you look at how a trust works, the authentication server you set up returns a referral back to the AD servers causing SSSD to query your AD servers directly. The following setup skips the need for the extra authentication server and configures SSSD to go directly to AD first.

The next question is typically how to control access. This is where Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes in. RBAC allows you to stop assigning access to users and start assigning access to roles. Once you have the groups laid out, you can assign a new team member to a team, which is already a part of the role with appropriate access to a group of servers. It removes the "I just got hired and need the same access as X" requests that reference a person who left months ago and had all of their access purged.

Instead, once you add the new user to their team's group, they have the access they need. It also removes the discovery that someone who left the company over a year ago still has access to all the servers because nobody told the administrators that that person left. When the ERP system automatically updates their AD account, they lose all access.

Managing AD from non-Windows operating systems was once challenging. However, Microsoft has released Windows Admin Center, allowing you to access Active Directory Users and Computers directly from any browser running on any operating system. It also grants access to various other Windows management tools. Install it on a Windows server, and there's no worrying about session limits or struggling with RemoteApp. You just launch a browser and access the web interface.

Configure your AD groups for Role-Based Access Control

Your company's naming scheme may differ from the examples in this article. The group names are not important. The essential part is the intended use of each group.

Because SSSD is not synchronizing AD groups, and instead is just getting a list of groups the user is a member of during the login process, missing groups don't prevent this setup from working. However, if you have multiple teams with delegated permissions within AD, it is recommended to create all of the groups to prevent them from being created in the incorrect organizational unit (OU) and giving the wrong team control over access.

Access to specific machines

Create two groups within Active Directory for each machine. Both groups must include the short name of the machine. 

One group is for machine-specific SSH access (referred to as Machine_SSH_Access for the rest of this article).

The other group provides machine-specific sudo access (referred to as Machine_SUDO_Access for the rest of this article).

Example group formats:

<DOMAIN> Linux <hostname> ssh access
<DOMAIN> Linux <hostname> sudo access
  • <hostname> is the short name of the machine
  • <DOMAIN> is your domain's short name and is optional

Access to all machines

Create two groups within Active Directory for global machine access.

One of the groups will be for SSH access (referred to as Global_SSH_Access for the rest of this article) to all machines.

The other is for sudo access (referred to as Global_SUDO_Access for the rest of this article) to all machines.

Example group formats:

<DOMAIN> Linux ssh access
<DOMAIN> Linux sudo access

<DOMAIN> is your domain's short name, and is optional.


Nesting within the AD groups is allowed. If you want to create a group with access to multiple machines, you do not need to change the configuration on the RHEL machines. Instead, you can make the new group a member of the access group for the specific machines. This approach allows you to control the access directly from AD.

Example nesting:

  • CONTOSO Linux Webserver1 ssh access
    • CONTOSO Linux Webservers ssh access
      • CONTOSO Web Developers
        • User1
        • User2

This nesting allows you to assign roles (CONTOSO Web Developers) to groups of machines (CONTOSO Linux Webservers ssh access) instead of users to specific systems.

Domain-join your Linux machine

If your environment currently has RC4 enabled, follow Microsoft’s Security Advisory and disable it now.

To join a Linux machine to a domain:

  1. Install the required packages:
$ sudo dnf install -y chrony krb5-workstation \
samba-common-tools oddjob-mkhomedir samba-common \
sssd authselect
  1. Add your domain's CA chain by creating /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_ca_db.pem and writing your domain's CA chain. This does not need to include the certificate for the Domain Controllers (DC) themselves. It can start with the certificate that signed their certificates.
  2. Add the CA chain to the system's trust anchors:
$ sudo trust anchor /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_ca_db.pem
  1. Configure SSSD by editing /etc/sssd/sssd.conf or /etc/sssd/conf.d/<DOMAIN>.conf and match the following lines.

Editing /etc/sssd/conf.d/<DOMAIN>.conf is the modern and preferred method, but editing /etc/sssd/sssd.conf also works.

access_provider = simple
auth_provider = ad
chpass_provider = ad
id_provider = ad
dyndns_update = true
override_homedir = /home/%u
override_shell = /bin/bash
default_shell = /bin/bash
ldap_idmap_range_size = 4000000
cache_credentials = true
simple_allow_groups = Global_SSH_Access, Global_SUDO_Access, Machine_SSH_Access, Machine_SUDO_Access
ignore_group_members = true
ad_gpo_access_control = disabled
ad_enable_gc = false
ad_use_ldaps = true
services = nss, pam
config_file_version = 2
domains = <DOMAIN>
  • <DOMAIN> is the FQDN of your domain in ALL CAPITALS. Authentication issues can occur if you do not use all capitals.
  • ldap_idmap_range_size is optional. This is necessary if you have a large AD environment. Changing this value causes the UID hash to change, so don't change it once the machine is domain joined, and make sure to use the same value on all machines.
  • Global_SSH_Access, Global_SUDO_Access, Machine_SSH_Access, and Machine_SUDO_Access are the AD groups you created above for RBAC
  1. Set the permissions for the file you just wrote: /etc/sssd/sssd.conf or /etc/sssd/conf.d/<DOMAIN>.conf:
$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf


$ sudo chmod 400 /etc/sssd/conf.d/*.conf
  1. Configure KRB5 by editing /etc/krb5.conf and match these lines:
default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log
kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log
admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log

dns_lookup_realm = true
dns_lookup_kdc = true
ticket_lifetime = 24h
renew_lifetime = 7d
forwardable = true
rdns = true
default_ccache_name = KEYRING:persistent:%{uid}
default_realm = <DOMAIN>



You do not need to specify anything under [realms] or [domain_realm]. SSSD automatically discovers that information from DNS.

  1. Configure SUDO access by creating a file in /etc/sudoers.d:
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/<DOMAIN>

Specify the default sudo access for members of the AD sudo groups. The file name can be anything you want, and doesn't have to be named DOMAIN.

You must escape any spaces with a backslash (\). For example: "Linux sudo access" must be written as "Linux\ sudo\ access".

%Global_SUDO_Access  ALL=(ALL) ALL
%Machine_SUDO_Access  ALL=(ALL) ALL

Global_SUDO_Access and Machine_SUDO_Access are the AD groups you created for RBAC. The percent sign (%) before the group name indicates that it is a group.

Any other sudo access you want to grant to AD groups can be defined the same way in separate files or in the same file.

  1. Ensure that the machine's hostname is set to the FQDN. The machine hostname cannot be the shortname:
$ sudo hostnamectl set-hostname $(hostname -f)
  1. Join the machine with one of the following commands (adcli is compatible with SMBv1 and SMBv2). To set the OS information within AD while joining, use the following command:
$ source /etc/os-release
$ sudo adcli join -U <join_user> --os-name="${NAME}" \
--os-version="${VERSION}" --os-service-pack="${VERSION_ID}"

Alternately, you can join without setting the OS information:

$ sudo adcli join -U <join_user>

<join_user> is the AD account that will be used to join the machine to the domain. The password that adcli requests is not stored. Delegated Permissions describes the permissions required for joining.

  1. Enable and start SSSD and oddjobd:
$ sudo systemctl enable sssd oddjobd
$ sudo systemctl restart sssd oddjobd
  1. Enable logging in with AD:
$ sudo authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir --force

As long as your account is a member of one of the groups you created, you can now log in to the machine. You don't need to specify the domain. The domain specified as the default_realm in /etc/krb5.conf is used. GNOME may require a restart, but sshd is typically happy to accept the changes without a restart.

Keep the OS information up to date

By default, the computer object doesn't have permission to update its own OS information. Make sure to go into Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUAC) and grant SELF the ability to write each of the OS fields on the computer objects (you can do this at the OU level). Once added, update the AD object with the latest OS information:

$ source /etc/os-release
$ sudo /usr/sbin/adcli update --os-name="${NAME}" \
--os-version="${VERSION}" --os-service-pack="${VERSION_ID}"

This can either be added as a cron job or as a systemd service. For example:

Description=Updates AD with current OS information

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/adcli update --os-name="${NAME}" --os-version="${VERSION}" --os-service-pack="${VERSION_ID}"


Enable smart card authentication

This section assumes you have smart card authentication working on your Windows machines. If not, configure smart card authentication on a Windows machine before proceeding.

  1. Write the certificate chain for your domain to /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_ca_db.pem. This does not need to include the certificate for the Domain Controllers (DC) themselves. It can start with the certificate that signed their certificates.
  2. Add the certificate to the machine's trusted CA list:
$ sudo trust anchor /etc/sssd/pki/sssd_auth_ca_db.pem
  1. Edit /etc/sssd/sssd.conf or /etc/sssd/conf.d/<DOMAIN>.conf, depending on which file you used when you domain joined your system, and add the following line within the [domain/<DOMAIN>] section. This entry tells SSSD where to look for the user certificate. Windows uses the attribute userCertificate, so if we use the same attribute, the same smart card works on both Linux and Windows.
ldap_user_certificate = userCertificate;binary

Add these lines at the end of the same configuration file:

pam_cert_auth = true
  1. Edit /etc/krb5.conf and add the following lines under [realms], replacing <DOMAIN> with your domain's FQDN in ALL CAPITALS. This is to resolve a mismatch that can occur because Windows is not case-sensitive while Linux is.
<DOMAIN> = {
pkinit_anchors = DIR:/etc/sssd/pki
  pkinit_kdc_hostname = <DOMAIN>
  1. Use one of the following commands to enable smart card authentication in PAM:
  • authselect enable-feature with-smartcard: Allow smart card authentication as an option.
  • authselect enable-feature with-smartcard-required: Require smart card authentication. By default, sshd does not call PAM when authenticating with SSH keys.
  • authselect enable-feature with-smartcard-lock-on-removal: Require smart card authentication and lock the machine when the smart card is removed.

Enable SSH access using the smart card certificate

On RHEL 8 and above, you can enable SSH access using a smart card.

  1. Verify that the smart card cert is read properly from AD:
sss_ssh_authorizedkeys ${USER}

If a public key is not returned, verify that smart card authentication is configured properly.

  1. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config to add these lines:
AuthorizedKeysCommand /usr/bin/sss_ssh_authorizedkeys
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody
  1. Restart sshd:
$ sudo systemctl restart sshd

To log in from a client using SSH, use the option PKCS11Provider=/usr/lib64/ As long as the smart card matches a public key for the user, you will be prompted for the smart card PIN or password:

$ ssh -o PKCS11Provider=/usr/lib64/ <host>

Additional information

You now have a machine that is domain joined with Role Based Access Control over who can log in or execute privileged commands. Management quickly gets easier because you can take advantage of the work others are already doing. Here are some things to be aware of:

  • Disabling a user within AD immediately blocks access to the machine. Just like with Windows, anyone who is already logged in stays logged in.
  • Modification to the user's groups is updated during login, just like with Windows. This is done before checking whether they're allowed to log in.
  • SSSD is site aware. If you configure sites within AD Sites and Services, SSSD connects to the appropriate DC.
  • SSSD automatically rotates the machine password.
  • SSSD automatically creates and manages DNS records for a machine as long as dynamic updates (secure or insecure) are enabled.

I typically discourage using Windows tools to manage Linux systems and Linux tools to manage Windows because there are usually important features lost, security missing, or much easier ways to accomplish the same task with a native tool. However, it's different with AD. The developers of SSSD have done a lot of work to make it compatible with AD, and in the end that makes your job all the easier.

About the author

Jason Nagin joined Red Hat in 2022 as a RHEL Specialist Solutions Architect. He is based out of Dallas, Texas.

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