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By: Will Dinyes, Red Hat JBoss Curriculum Manager

One of the questions I've been asked about the new Red Hat JBoss BRMS Server is, how can I get my developers and my business analysts working together efficiently?

Well, the answer begins with clarifying what we're attempting to do: have developers and business analysts share rules and collateral that they've created effectively across both teams. As in the past, it is possible to upload libraries of fact objects using a JAR.

The first step is to have your developers create the facts that will be used by the rules engine. As usual, when creating a library of Java classes, you will want to ensure that the facts are easily serializable.

Once the fact model has been created, your developers will need to create a JAR file with the facts, and upload that to your BRMS server via Business Central. Using the maven-jar-plugin, you can create these fact model jars very simply via a package filter, and with every build of your application.

From here, your Business Analysts and developers can pursue their own paths: Business Analysts can write rules, processes, and tests using the fact model in Business Central, and developers can access the rules either remotely from their application via Business Central, or by deploying their application directly to BRMS.

As you can see, cross-team collaboration is easier than ever with Red Hat JBoss BRMS v6.

Learn more about the Red Hat JBoss curriculum.

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