Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh
As your applications evolve into collections of decentralized microservices, monitoring and managing the network communications and security among those multiple services becomes more challenging.
Red Hat® OpenShift® Service Mesh provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and observe microservices-based applications. It provides behavioral insight into—and control of—the networked microservices in your service mesh.
Based on the open source Istio project, Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh provides additional functionality with the inclusion of other open source projects like Kiali (Istio console) and Jaeger (distributed tracing), which supports collaboration with leading members of the Istio community.
Why choose Red Hat?
OpenShift Service Mesh helps developers increase productivity by integrating communications policies without changing application code or integrating language-specific libraries. OpenShift Service Mesh also simplifies operations since it installs easily on Red Hat OpenShift, has been tested with other Red Hat products, and comes with access to award-winning support.