
We regularly publish customer success stories that highlight how we're helping customers gain efficiency and transform the way they deliver software. Read on to see how we helped Tomago Aluminium, the MGEN Group, and Alliance Bank—three customers in three different continents—find success in application deployment, automation, and more.

Maintaining 24x7 operations with Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions

Tomago Aluminium is Australia’s largest aluminum smelter. It contributes more than AUD$1.5 billion annually to the country’s economy and exports 90% of its products to global markets. To maintain 24x7 operations, Tomago Aluminium’s IT systems must be reliable and highly available. 

Based at a single site with no expansion plans, Tomago Aluminium decided to migrate its SAP HANA architecture from public cloud to a private, on-premise solution based on Red Hat software running on IBM server and storage hardware. The company consolidated multiple operating systems onto Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions, a single, consistent foundation for SAP workloads. Additionally, Tomago Aluminium adopted the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate operational and provisioning processes, such as virtual machine (VM) creation for testing.

By standardizing its SAP HANA environment on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions, running on IBM Power servers, Tomago Aluminium can keep its critical business and production processes running 24x7—even at larger scale. And, by integrating Ansible Automation Platform with IBM PowerVM server virtualization, Tomago can use standardized playbooks to speed provisioning and other manual, repeatable processes. 

Red Hat partners Advent One and SAPWORKS supported the deployment. “We’re confident that we have a resilient, stable system and would recommend it to anyone,” said Dennis Moncrieff, IT Superintendent, Tomago Aluminium. “Our collaboration with Advent One helped us get our IT environment how we want it.”

Find out more about how Tomago Aluminium has found success with Red Hat technology, check out the full case study.

Responding to fast-changing health demands with Red Hat OpenShift

Mutuelle Generale de l’Education Nationale (the MGEN Group), a key provider of social protection services to more than 4 million people in France, sought to develop innovative digital services. However, its existing Java Enterprise Edition (now Jakarta EE) application server architecture required extensive effort to digitize existing services or create new digital services.

MGEN’s IT department sought to take advantage of open source community innovation but needed a supported, enterprise container platform to provide better stability and security. After a proof of concept, MGEN chose to migrate to Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP). The IT department also decided to migrate its bare-metal server environment from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to Red Hat Virtualization to scale its critical, resource-intensive virtualized workloads.

“Red Hat OpenShift is a mature and comprehensive enterprise product,” said Frédéric Roulet, Team Manager, Engineering Development and Middleware Integration, IT Department, The MGEN Group. “It offers API [application programming interface]-based integration with our DevOps tools and a wealth of containerized images through Red Hat’s container catalog to help us develop our services faster. Our proof of concept confirmed Red Hat would give us the agility and scalability we need—at a price point for return on investment within just a few years.” 

Better stability and scalability help the MGEN Group enhance its customer experience while adapting rapidly to change. The health insurance provider can continue to offer its digital services without interruption during production migrations. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the MGEN Group was able to respond to massive increases in requests for processing healthcare reimbursements following lockdown. 

Beyond the technical benefits, adopting Red Hat software to create a container-based platform has also helped the teams within the MGEN Group’s IT department—middleware, framework, application, and others—unite to collaborate on new, innovative projects with a DevOps approach. Learn more about how Red Hat technologies have helped MGEN Group’s IT department work more collaboratively to address healthcare needs in France in the full case study.

Delivering a digital customer banking experience with Red Hat OpenShift

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad offers financial solutions to individuals and businesses, including Islamic and investment banking, as well as stockbroking services. Alliance Bank decided to create Branch-in-a-Tablet, a solution that puts branch products and services onto a tablet device for staff to use with in-person customers. To support this new approach, the bank sought to adopt a responsive container platform with a microservices- and open source-based architecture and agile development practices.

The bank decided to use Red Hat OpenShift, running on premise, to create, host, and manage its new tablet-based service solution. With help from Red Hat Consulting, Alliance Bank deployed the Branch-in-a-Tablet platform solution in just four months. The shift to a hybrid digital and physical customer experience at Alliance Bank’s branches combines automated services with in-person staff assistance to help customers find and sign up for the right services for their financial needs. Individuals can now open a savings account, activate a debit card, and begin mobile banking in as little as 15 minutes using one of the bank’s tablets. Enterprise clients can open a business account digitally with what the bank calls its 1-day, 1 visit experience.

Alliance Bank successfully shifted from in-person to digital banking experiences with Red Hat technology. Read the case study for more on how it has also reduced project delivery time and minimized operation costs. Its success in creating an innovative, modern service earned the bank recognition as a 2020 Red Hat Innovation Awards honorable mention. Red Hat Innovation Awards recognize the technological achievements of Red Hat customers around the world. The 2021 winner will be announced during the Red Hat Summit.

But wait, there's more!

Every month, Red Hat publishes case studies and success stories to help illustrate how our products and services can help organizations solve their problems and improve their environments. Visit our Red Hat Success Stories page and find out how companies in your region use Red Hat technologies to find success. 



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